Clinical and experimental observation of glistening in acrylic intraocular lenses

Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2001 Nov-Dec;45(6):564-9.

Miyata A, Uchida N, Nakajima K, Yaguchi S.
Miyata Eye Clinic, Hiroshima-shi, Japan


PURPOSE: To determine whether or not glistening particles in implanted acrylic intraocular lenses (IOL) increase with the passage of time.

METHODS: Prospective clinical study: Glistenings were evaluated in 31 patients (49 eyes) with implanted acrylic IOL, the emphasis being on when glistening first became evident and subsequent changes in the number of glistening particles. Experiment: IOLs were monitored for any changes that occurred with the passage of time as they were immersed first in a 50 degrees C saline solution and then in another saline solution with a temperature of 35 degrees C.

RESULTS: Prospective clinical study: Glistening phenomenon was observed in 28 IOLs (57%) 2 to 16 months after implantation (mean = 6.6 months). Glistenings reached their peak in number within a few months of formation in all cases, showing no further increase thereafter. Experiment: Glistening particles first appeared on the 10th day of the experiment in sizes ranging from 3 to 10 microm in diameter. They remained at the same level for the next 60 days without showing any increase.

CONCLUSIONS: Glistening formation in acrylic IOLs was found to stabilize within a few months after appearance. The method of our experiment proved reliable in producing, in a relatively short period of time, glistening similar to that found in patients.

PMID: 11754896 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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