email from Ramesh Dorarirajan
Dear Dr. Holtz
The video is titled AKREOS AFTERCATARACT - the movie. It is a collection of a few of my post op photos. A “youtube” search will locate it
Our clinic has also presented posters at Paris ESCRS and Boston ASCRS and a free paper at San Diego ASCRS highlighting the high aftercataract rates with this lens. I make fairly large capsulorrhexis and so phimosis has not been a significant problem
Am attaching a copy of one of the older ppt. that we had prepared
Today i believe that this is an issue with all hydrophillic IOLs, not limited to the Akreos series.
Another area that is not studied is the lens surface. It may also play a role by providing a scaffold for the LEC. ( just like certain bacteria can adhere to some lenses better due to surface factors)
with Regards
Ramesh Dorarirajan
Sundar Eye Hospital
W-98, Second Avenue,
Annanagar, Chennai 600040
tel: telefax and direct line 26204611.
26202120, 26204448